Keeping adversaries out of power

Weak people think of the people with differing points of view to themselves mainly as people with differing life experiences.

Understanding people is weak.  Respecting people is weak.

Money is to be made and power is to be acquired by defining people with differing points of view as adversaries.

Adversaries are necessary for dramatic interest in news stories and other stories.

Holding the attention of people long enough so they will pay attention to advertising is especially important.

The people who do not pay attention to advertising are adversaries of a good business model.

Confrontational political systems, and political conflicts more generally, are good for the news business.  They create drama.

Regarding weak people as adversaries also makes it easier to make money and acquire power through adversarial legal systems. 

By definition, weak people have no power, at least when compared with billionaires.

Non-gullible people are adversaries of the rich and powerful. 

Non-gullible people are not duped by advertising.  Nor are they duped by contrived dramas.

Non-gullible people are therefore adversaries of the Marquis de Tabloid and his associates.

Billionaires with crazy points of view have a right to be heard, especially through their puppets.

Other people with crazy points of view have a right to free expression, even if it kills them and their vulnerable relatives.

People with sensible points of view, especially points of view opposed by the Marquis de Tabloid or big advertisers, should either be kept silent, or they should be encouraged to go crazy, or they should be regarded as dangerous adversaries.

Sensible people must be weakened in any way possible.

Being sensible is undramatic.

Sensible people are bad for business.

Being sensible is adversarial.


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