Facts are the enemies of profits

Plenty of advertisers are willing to support a propaganda machine when it helps them to remain profitable.  That is how we have kept in business for so long.

Ruining the news, by replacing it with propaganda, keeps the money rolling in.  Advertisers love gullible audiences.  Our audiences are the most gullible of all.

Advertising is all about duping people into spending money.

Propaganda is all about duping people into believing lies.

Deception has always been profitable, whether it is legal or otherwise.

Big advertisers willingly spend big money if there is a big audience willing to spend money unquestioningly.

Advertising budgets can be written off against tax.

Spending money with us is a great way to reduce a tax bill.

But the public is not interested in learning such facts.  The public is interested in following the opinions we support.

And our opinions matter to politicians because the public believes us, not them.

That is probably why governments are so willing to give public money to our business instead of expecting us to pay tax.  The Australian one is especially keen to throw public money in our direction.

Our enemies want you to believe we do not care about your opinion.  Of course we care about your opinion, as long as it matches our own.


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